Environment – Hanover – Nature Conservation Association Lower Saxony is 75 years old – Knowledge
Hanover (dpa / lni) – Lower Saxony’s largest environmental association is 75 years old. Since 1947, the Lower Saxony Nature Conservation Union (Nabu) has been committed to protecting the environment and nature, the association said on Tuesday in Hanover. According to their own statements, the Nabu Lower Saxony now has more than 125,000 members.
“A significant part of the active nature conservation work of Nabu Lower Saxony is done by the voluntary members of the association, who have made and continue to make a valuable contribution to the preservation of our livelihoods over the last 75 years – regionally even far beyond that,” explained state chairman Holger Buschmann. There are currently 8,500 active Nabu members from around 200 groups who offer projects, practical nature conservation work and environmental education for people of all ages.
Among other things, the active Nabu members take care of the establishment of flower strips and meadow orchards, the construction and installation of bird nesting boxes and the erection and maintenance of toad protection fences. This also includes the protection of moors or the renaturation of agricultural areas to protect endangered species.
Since mid-June, Nabu Lower Saxony has also had a new state manager in biologist Monika Maintz. Maintz can draw on many years of management experience in industry and in non-profit organizations, it said.
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