The most refugees are in Prague and Central Bohemia. The region will select cities for temporary hostels
Most Ukrainian refugees to Prague and Stedoeskho kraje. According to the reports on migration from Ukraine after the invasion of the Russian Federation, half of the refugees are the first in these two interconnected regions. Krizov tb discussed his situation Stedoeskho kraje with President Petra Pecková (TENT).
The mercenary address in Prague is 26 thousand refugees who received a letter for the end of their stay, in Stedoeskm county then more than 15 thousand. A total of 95 thousand of these vz. Accelerated we have to look for new accommodation capacity. In some municipalities and cities, it is preparing emergency accommodation capacity, such as poles or stadiums. But you will be many more. So far available large-capacity accommodation spaces are exhausted and a number of individual offers are not usable, so it is, for example, occupied or not available for a long time, said President Petra Peckov.
The center should dream of a change approved by the government. That is, the refugee can register within 30 days of crossing the border instead. As the demand for hostel for those who go through the Regional Assistance Centers of Ukraine, it is expected that the support will still increase. That is why we need to move refugees to my busy region so much more expensive. We are currently looking for sites where temporary camps could be built hostel, added Peckov.
Region on operation 4 Regional Assistance Assistance Centers of Ukraine (KACPU). They are in Kutn Hoe, Mlad Boleslav and Pbram. Together with the capital, the region shared the KACPU crack in the Prague Congress Center. During the public day, Kutná Hora KACPU handled 656 people, Mladá Boleslav 512 and Pbramsk 319. Hostel a total of 194 refugees captured the darkness in these centers. A total of 6790 people handled the KACPU center outside Prague.
According to the Regional Assistance Center for the Assistance of Ukraine in the Prague Congress Center, which shared Stedoesk kraj in cooperation with the capital city of Prague. 3,617 people passed through the team on a public day hostel providers of the center’s staff 137 people. A total of 22,000 refugees passed through the center.