The Republic of Moldova is moving to another level, it wants to implement electronic voting – News by sources
The Central Electoral Commission proposes the creation of the Interinstitutional Working Group for the elaboration of the concept and action plan on the digitization of the electoral process and the piloting of electronic voting as an alternative to voting.
The proposal comes in the digitalization of the electoral process and offering the possibilities to the voters to participate in the elections through electronic voting, Ș reports.
The group will consist of representatives of the Central Electoral Commission, the Intelligence and Security Service, the Ministry of Justice and those responsible for digitization in the Republic of Moldova: Deputy Prime Minister for Digitization, Public Institution “Electronic Government Agency”, Public Institution “Public Services Agency” and The Public Institution “Information Technology and Cyber Security Service”, as well as members of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections.
According to the decision approved today by the CEC, the entities concerned will appoint members and alternates within 15 days and will inform the Commission accordingly.
If necessary, the group may also train representatives of other public authorities and institutions, civil society, experts from development partners or specialists in the field.
After confirmation of the nominal composition, the Interinstitutional Working Group will assess the current situation within 45 days, then develop and present to the Commission the concept and action plan on digitizing the electoral process and piloting electronic voting by digital signatures.
It will also propose technical solutions for promoting and digitizing the electoral process.
International best practices will be taken into account in its development and will take into account the principles and guidelines on electronic voting standards set out in Recommendation CM / Rec (2017) 5, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council. . Europe on 14 June 2017.
At the same time, the authorities and institutions will provide the Working Party with the technical support necessary to carry out the stability tasks, and the secretarial work will be provided by the CEC.