You can also vote for Debrecen bands at the Hungarian Klipszeml – Debrecen news, Debrecen news | News of Debrecen and Hajdú-Bihar counties
You can also vote for Debrecen bands at the Hungarian Klipszemlé
Debrecen – The production is very serious this year as well. Many good videos have been made, including those from Debrecen or Hajdú-Bihar.
“The question of what the French do not have a regular, national competition for music videos at home was first asked by the organizers in 2015,” reads on the website of the Hungarian Klipszemle.
Finally, the exhibition was held at the Toldi Cinema in Budapest for two years. It was a two-day, marathon-clipped folk festival. After a year of skipping, the third competition was at Anker’t and then the last in 2019, at the Aquarium: four venues, with concerts, performances, roundtable discussions, 30 winners and a packed house.
The annually changing, independent jury is made up of journalists, filmmakers and music professionals. However, an award is always voted on by the audience. Much of the previous emerging winners have since become Los Angeles to Subotica film, advertising or creative professionals.
This year marks the fifth domestic big clip tour, but the goal hasn’t changed since then: “let’s have a platform for domestic music videos, have a good clip, let’s watch them on the big screen once”!
The production is huge, there are several of the clips on the show that are of interest to Debrecen or Hajdú-Bihar, who can also be read by Dehir readers. With the song Bordó Sárkány the Chronicle of the 20th Century, the LED band is present in the video Enceladus, but the audience can also vote for the band Van, Bad Habit, Nági and Betti – we list them without claiming completeness, hoping not no one left the line. To vote here may!