Bilbao: 1 positive breathalyzer every 3 days – Norte Exprés
Alcohol and drugs while driving are present as a concurrent or triggering factor in one third of accidents deadly on the road In fact, its presence while driving –depending on your intake– multiplies between 2 and 15 the risk of having an accident.
And it is that the consumption of these substances is not only related to a greater accident rate, but also has an impact on a greater deathas it is a factor closely related to a worse prognosis in the injuries suffered.
That is why the Bilbao Municipal Police, within the Euskadi Strategic Road Safety Planis going to carry out a specific campaign of awareness about the risks of alcohol and drug use behind the wheel.
Thus, from TODAY, Monday December 5, and until Sunday, the 11th, control and surveillance will be intensified on the busiest roads in the city. The agents who carry out two or three daily checks with the aim of preventing one of the most risky behaviors while driving.
During the years 2020 and 2021, fewer preventive controls for alcohol and drugs have been carried out than in previous years, due to the incidence of the COVID-19 pandemic. It should be noted that these types of controls are usually reinforced during Aste Nagusia or other major events that have not been held in the past two years.
As for the tests of alcohol and concurrent drugs in traffic accidents, the Municipal Police carried out the last year a total of 334resulting 118 positive. As a result, 90 people were arrested or investigated for a crime against road safety and an administrative complaint was imposed on the rest.