A different horse in each round. Show jumping rider Kellnerová tries out a new stallion at the races in Prague | iRADIO
Anna Kellnerová was busy on the first day of the Prague Playoffs. In the first two races, she managed the framework competition. With the stallion Joyrid, she tried out a race with one and a half meter high hurdles for the first time. In a ride with Catch me If you Can old, which lasted only a moment, she tested the atmosphere of the arena before the semis of the team competition on Friday. She shared her impressions with Radiožurnále Sport.
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“The atmosphere the fans created was amazing. Catch jumped well, so I was happy,” řsays Anna Kellnerová.
Listen to the Czech showjumper Anna Kelnerová
In the middle, her Prague Lions team will need a lot. The Prague Lions will want to advance to the finals for the first time in history, where only the six best teams are nominated.
However, the Czech show jumping rider also tried out the eight-year-old stallion Joyrid in the general competition. She would like to train him in the future as an equal partner for the mare Catch me if you can old. However, according to Anna Kellnerová, Joyride is phlegmatic, so she has to be specially motivated before each parkour.
“Surprisingly, I don’t do it before the competition, but in the morning when I ride it. This is usually two to three hours before the race. At that time, I ride with him in such a way as to excite him and so that he knows that we are at the races and that I have to jump. On the contrary, I try to be calm at the work station, because he is a stallion and if she exerted pressure on him or tried to start more just before the parkour, it could have the opposite effect. He is a man, he could be offended,” says Anna Kellnerová with a smile.
First ride
With Joyride, they made 2 mistakes during their premiere on the 150 cm high hurdles.
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“The first mistake was mine. I didn’t drive that arc like I should have. The second mistake came from Joyrid. But it’s great experience for him and I’m trying to build him up so that he can also jump in team competitions,” says Anna Kellnerová about her plans with Joyride.
Friday’s semi team competition will be played on obstacles up to 160 centimeters high, so the Czech representative will choose Catch me if you can old according to the plan.
“I was a bit nervous with Joyride now because I didn’t know how she would react in the arena. But I’m having a great time at Catch, so I’m curious to see how I can overcome my nervousness,” adds the Czech rider.
Anna Kellnerová has to get over her nervousness by eight o’clock in the evening on Friday, when the semis begin.
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