Pirates consider sinking Prague for themselves
“If we were to participate in the coalition as Pirates, not as an alliance, it should fall within a week or so,” said Mazur.
He did not want to predict the result, but he said that the thirteen-member club is now progressing further.
“I would say that a number of members are considering pros and cons and are still undecided. So it cannot be said that the club has one opinion now. It will only be expressed by voting,” he explained.
The representatives of the parties should meet again next Tuesday. According to Mazur, until the pirate club’s decision on the next course of action, it still applies that he speaks for the entire Stability Alliance at meetings, i.e. for Prague itself.
On Thursday, the alliance also sent Spolu an offer to create a coalition with Prague itself, the head of the Spolu club Zdeněk Zajíček (ODS) repeated on Friday in response that he did not want to be with Prague and called for the dissolution of the alliance.
“In our reaction, we call on Prague itself to unblock the situation, not to insist on the continuation of the alliance and available to the Pirates, so that they can join the coalition on the government’s blueprint,” he mentioned.
Like a wall. The parties in Prague want to act, but they do not reflect on each other’s proposals
“However, we are ready to wait for the decision of the Pirates, saying that we would be happy if the decision was made by November 24, which is the date when the constituent assembly was suspended,” added Zajíček..
The Spolu coalition won the elections in Prague, with 19 mandates in the 65-member council. The second ANO has 14 representatives, the third Piráti 13 and the fourth Prague itself 11. Five mandates were won by the STAN movement and three seats were occupied by the SPD.
Negotiations on a coalition began immediately after the elections at the end of September, but have so far been without results. The constitutive meeting of representatives took place last week, but it was suspended until November 24 precisely because of the lack of a coalition.