The climate target can hardly be achieved with voluntary measures
On the question of whether voluntary measures by entrepreneurs are sufficient, there is a clear direction, that of uniform consent. Voluntary measures by companies are not enough. The same picture of opinion can be seen in the case of voluntary measures by households. It is also the voluntariness that is not considered sufficient on its own.
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The good news first: A clear majority of the and Bluenews readers surveyed welcome measures to combat climate change. But when it comes to the question of how Switzerland’s target of “net zero” is to be achieved by 2050, opinions differ.
For example, there is no clear statement on the point “Individual consumers can only contribute very little to reducing greenhouse gas emissions”. When asked whether voluntary measures by companies and households are sufficient to achieve the climate target, it was clear to the participants that voluntariness would not be enough.
The first show that evaluations the survey series by ETH Zurich and the social research institute DemoSCOPE among users of and, which we have received. The survey is still running: Anyone who wants to can take part here.
Voluntary vs. coercive measures
At 56 percent, it is obviously clear to the majority that government measures are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to an acceptable level. Opinions are also made on the question of who these legal regulations should affect: companies should be able to be forced to implement measures to reduce greenhouse gases, but private individuals should not.
Lukas Fesenfeld, political economist at ETH Zurich and the University of Bern, classified the result as follows: “First of all, it is important to know that the current survey does not give a final picture of the mood of the entire Swiss population, but of the readers of and Across Switzerland, a majority of voters are likely to support cost-intensive and far-reaching climate protection measures for households.”
Save energy, fly less
However, measures would only be accepted if, at the same time, the economy were regulated, innovation was subsidized by the state and low incomes were relieved in a targeted manner, adds Fesenfeld. “For the public acceptance of ambitious climate policy, it is also important that the costs are distributed fairly, that measures are sensibly coordinated and that communication is transparent.”
Many citizens want to make an active contribution to reducing emissions themselves. “Use less energy” (44%), 39% “fly less” and 31% each “eat less animal products” and “focus on climate-friendly homes” were mentioned most frequently.
Your opinion matters
The series of surveys by ETH Zurich and the social and market research institute DemoSCOPE on the subject of the “Net Zero” climate target is continuing.
Take the survey here via appnyx.
Note: appnyx is a DemoSCOPE app that is provided throughout the survey series. Participation is anonymous and no registration is required.
The series of surveys by ETH Zurich and the social and market research institute DemoSCOPE on the subject of the “Net Zero” climate target is continuing.
Take the survey here via appnyx.
Note: appnyx is a DemoSCOPE app that is provided throughout the survey series. Participation is anonymous and no registration is required.
Do we know?
The series of surveys on the topic of climate targets includes several blocks. In addition to measures to combat climate change, knowledge of greenhouse gas emissions was also queried. For example, how high the proportion of emissions is that occurs directly in Switzerland (it is 36.5 percent).
It turned out that only 10 percent of the 1660 participants rated this share manager correctly. Almost 63 percent believed that the majority of the emissions are generated abroad. On the other hand, the causes of the emissions were assessed relatively well. Only in the case of mobility did die hold the proportion higher than it actually is.
Many hope for technical innovations to reduce pollutant emissions. For example, filtering CO₂ directly from the air, like the Swiss start-up Climeworks is doing.
Hoping for technical solutions
Based on the first evaluation of this survey, it can be said that the majority of the participants expect technical innovations to reduce pollutant emissions. For example, filtering CO₂ directly from the air, like the Swiss start-up Climeworks is doing. These technologies should also be promoted accordingly.
They are also in favor of an incentive system. In other words, those who cause fewer emissions should be rewarded. For example, some cantons offer large motor vehicle tax discounts when an electric car is registered. Despite this, not everyone believes that empowerment makes a big difference in behavior change.
The question of CO₂ taxes continues to polarise. In the current survey of and users, a narrow majority is against it. Lukas Fesenfeld from the ETH points out that representative surveys would probably support CO₂ taxes on fuel and food.
However, the political economist emphasizes that the costs of climate protection are often the focus of political debates instead of the benefits. This can reduce approval of climate policy and explain why proposals such as the CO₂ law in June 2021 narrowly fail in referendums.
What can the climate target cost?
As soon as the burden on one’s own budget is the focus of the debate, possible measures are viewed critically. Fesenfeld says that public acceptance of ambitious climate policies on the production and consumption side increases if measures are recognized as effective and just.
The following feedback from a person who took part in the survey picks up on this point: «I already live modestly and climate-friendly – because I can’t afford air travel, driving a car or festivals. That’s why I don’t let myself eat meat or take a hot shower.” This means that not everyone should have to reduce the same amount.
Tell us how you feel about climate change and take the survey series part.
insight into the results
An initial evaluation of the survey series by ETH Zurich and the social and market research institute DemoSCOPE shows that the topic of climate change is present. The need for action is recognized.
In the appnyx app you can read even more results of this survey series – and take part in other surveys.
An initial evaluation of the survey series by ETH Zurich and the social and market research institute DemoSCOPE shows that the topic of climate change is present. The need for action is recognized.
In the appnyx app you can read even more results of this survey series – and take part in other surveys.
Information about the survey
Samples: 1,660 people took part in the knowledge check and 662 people in the “net zero” survey. The results are not weighted. The sample covers the geographical and readership structure of and and does not reflect the overall picture of the Swiss population.
Error rate: Assuming random sampling, the maximum error range for percentages is +/- 3.8%. Period: Data was collected in August 2022. Project partners: ETH Zurich, DemoSCOPE. Responsible: Lukas Fesenfeld (ETH), Stefan Klug (DemoSCOPE)
Samples: 1,660 people took part in the knowledge check and 662 people in the “net zero” survey. The results are not weighted. The sample covers the geographical and readership structure of and and does not reflect the overall picture of the Swiss population.
Error rate: Assuming a random sample, the maximum error range for percentages is +/- 3.8%. Period: Data was collected in August 2022. Project partners: ETH Zurich, DemoSCOPE. Responsible: Lukas Fesenfeld (ETH), Stefan Klug (DemoSCOPE)
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This post was dated Ringier brand studio created on behalf of a customer. The content is journalistically prepared and meets Ringier’s quality requirements.
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