The Secretary of State for the new sport is determined to make Hungary an athlete nation
The new leadership of the State Secretariat for Sport, which manages Hungarian sport under this Ministry’s term of office, held its introductory press conference.
Minister of Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky was unable to attend the event in person at the Puskás Arena on Tuesday, but emphasized in his video message that it was a great honor for the sport to go to the Ministry of Defense.
The relationship between the army and sport has been inseparable from the beginning. The soldier and the athlete have more in common. Both serve their homeland, preparing hard for the competition, and then performing their duties responsibly, with faith and courage. “ – stated Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, emphasizing that the strategic goal of sport is to make Hungary a sports nation and at the same time a sports nation.
The Secretary of State for Sport, Ádám Schmidt, who took office in May, thanked his predecessors, Attila Czene, István Simicskó and Tünde Szabó, for their work over the past 12 years.
After the Fidesz-KDNP victory in April, the Prime Minister asked for the post of Secretary of State. He sees this task as a service, as does the deputy secretary of state, Gábor Schmidt, with whom he is thinking in a team, he said.
Ádám Schmidt said that he had been in international negotiations with the leader of the association for the past month, and they were all of the view that what was happening in Hungary was enviable.
It is also historically unique how the Hungarian government and the Prime Minister have been supporting the sport since 2010. Both the profession and facility development. Sport is a truly strategic sector, and it won’t be any different in the next cycle. “ he pointed out.
The Secretary of State said that in the last two weeks they had seen all the public bodies, the Hungarian Coaches’ Association and the National Association of Sports Organizations, agreed on the future, and would continue to communicate continuously.
He stated that looking to the future, they were determined to make Hungary an athlete nation, and that sport should be a part of everyone’s life. Within that, they want to train sports professionals, which he otherwise considers fantastic, especially in youth training.
Ádám Schmidt also said that the evaluation of the priority sports development program will continue to work, but with a new set of conditions. The aim is for the three core sports – swimming, athletics and gymnastics – to appear in the National Core Curriculum at Further Level.
They want to introduce a new kind of operating model in the state secretariat, reduce bureaucracy and change the structure, he said.
The extent of facility development over the past 12 years has been perhaps unique in the world, and all Hungarians are the beneficiaries. In the next few years, the focus will not be on further development, but on the operation and economy of more established facilities. “ – added that the plans include the establishment of a National Sports Museum, the construction of which may start in the first quarter of 2024 at the earliest.
Adam Schmidt also spoke about the future of the TAO program. He recalled that the license for the corporate tax program would expire on June 30, 2023, but preparations had already begun to continue turning to the European Union.
Gábor Schmidt, Undersecretary of State for Sports Administration and Development, emphasized that they wanted to continue the full programs and maintain their success.
My mission on this team is primarily to be able to carry out these programs in close cooperation with the official organization of the State Secretariat for Sport and the staff of the background organizations. It is important to achieve the goals we have set ourselves “ he said.
He added that they would like to present their new programs on September 30th and launch in January. He called the immediate task of ensuring the preparation for the Olympics, in which all assistance is given to the MOB, the Hungarian Paralympic Committee, sports federations and athletes.