Russia has become a global source of distribution of blocked virus sites

MOSCOW, Feb 9 – PRIME. Russia at the end of 2021 blocked 12.8% of all fake sites in the world, which is the best indicator among all countries, according to the results of a study conducted by the cybersecurity company ESET, the results of which are available to RIA Novosti.

Russian business increases spending on cybersecurity

The study was conducted for the period from September to December 2021.

“ESET analysts that Russia occupies a certain position in the number of blocked fake sites: their share exceeds 12.8%. The top five includes Japan – 8.2%, Poland – 5%, Peru – 4.6% and Ukraine – 4, 1 %,” the message says.

As a result, it was found that more than a third of all fake web resources in the world are protected in the United States. China, Germany, the Netherlands and France follow far behind.

“Most often, Australian pages mimic pages under financial organizations – their share of all detected fakes is 34.2%. Among the fakes, Facebook and WhatsApp pseudo-login pages are also in the lead – 20.9%; shopping sites – 9.3%%, cryptocurrencies – 7.7%, and mail services – 7.1%, ”the statement says.

Its authors note that scammers quite often use homoglyphs when faking websites, that is, they replace Latin letters with Cyrillic.