Supervision of rents in Lyon and Villeurbanne: the Rhône FNAIM worries for 2022
While the rent framework came into force in Lyon and Villeurbanne in the fall, the president of the FNAIM du Rhône delivers an analysis full of questions as to 2022 for the local market in the Lyon metropolis.
“In 2022, the impact of political decisions on rents is a real concern for us. We are going to have a plethora of studios, T1 and T2 coming up for sale, because thousands of households will find themselves in a very difficult economic situation. tense, even untenable for some.
A whole generation of small owners is today plunged into the inability to keep real estate, which should allow them to improve their income or the amount of their retirement. These goods will come back for sale in the market, but at fatally lower prices.
When an investor bought a property 2 or 3 years ago, with a debt calculated according to the profitability he can expect, he is obliged to resell if the rules of the game change along the way. This is the case today and many will not regain their starting capital. I find that ignominious.
The Metropolis’ “I am foutism”, its lack of respect for these people, scandalizes me. It is not proprietary wealth that is sacrificed, but “sir and madam
everybody “. I find that appalling.
The issue of recruitment is a second concern for us. The entire real estate chain is concerned, from the transaction, to the condominium manager and management, including the service providers who are essential to the proper functioning of the market: locksmith, painters, plumbers “.