Leave Conversations aside: Fines for the Russian Language in the Media and Services Are Introduced in Ukraine | Articles
The policy of forced Ukrainization in 2022 in Ukraine is a new impetus. From now on, print media will be published in Russian. In enterprises, employees will use Russian when checking contacts with clients, will be imposed on them. Details – in the material “Izvestia”.
Newspapers and crosswords will be translated into Ukrainian
From January 16, 2022, language quotas for the nationwide print media will be in effect in Ukraine… It is provided for by the law “On the industry of functioning of the Ukrainian language as a state language.”
Newspapers, magazines and even collections of crossword puzzles can henceforth be published only in Ukrainian. In theory, the media can also be published in Russian, but for this, the same number of copies in Ukrainian should be displayed on the shelves.…
For example, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, which five years ago was forced to rename “KP in Ukraine” due to the so-called decommunization, will now have to translate materials into Ukrainian.
The editor-in-chief of the publication, Oksana Bogdanova, stated in the media comments that it is too expensive to print two runs, since paper, printing and sales are the main cost items… According to her, the editors will carefully observe how the reader reacts to the innovations.
– We have a kernel that is used to reading in its current form. They always react painfully when we remove some permanent headings or change the TV program. Will the Ukrainian version bring new readers? I hope that those who have made the decision to translate print media into Ukrainian will massively subscribe to 10-15 publications for at least a year, – noted Bogdanov.
The law provides for relaxation only for regional print media. They can prepare publications in their chosen language until 2024. According to experts’ forecasts, in this regard, some national media will issue a new registration certificate in order to continue to remain Russian-speaking for another two years.
Last year the publishers of crossword puzzles asked for concessions. Secondly, it will be more difficult to decide, it will be more difficult, and secondly, secondly, it will be more difficult to decide. After all, popular puzzles in Ukrainian remain even after three decades of “independence” of fantastic rarity. The Ukrainian authorities have disregarded the opinion of the publishers and the wishes of the fans of crossword puzzles. Most likely, now Ukrainians will have to smuggle their favorite entertainment out of Russia.…
For the Russian language when servicing – a fine
Employees of restaurants, laundries, cinemas, etc. and earlier it was forbidden to address visitors not in Ukrainian. It is not implied that clients and law enforcement officers do not imply communication with English or Chinese, it is frankly anti-Russian in nature. Schools with Russian as the language of instruction have already ceased to exist. The share of programs and films in Ukrainian on national channels had to be increased to 75%.
However, from July 16, 2022, fines will begin for communicating with customers in the service sector.…
For example, in a cafe or restaurant, greeting a client and accepting an order will only be allowed in Ukrainian. There should also be a menu in the state language. Clients, however, have the opportunity to speak to the staff in Russian; the visitor has the right to allow the same to the waiter. But on his own initiative, an employee has no right to speak a language other than Ukrainian.
Ombudsman for the protection of the state language Taras Kremen advises Ukrainians, if violations are found, to send denunciations to his office, attaching a video or audio recording of the incident. If the experts of the language ombudsman consider that there really was a violation, the owner of the cafe is warned with a demand to eliminate the violation. If it is repeated, a fine will be issued.
For violation of the law, a fine of 5100-6800 hryvnia (13-18 thousand rubles). For repeated – from 8500 to 11 900 hryvnia (22-31 thousand rubles).
The money will have to be paid by a non-Russian-speaking employee, the owner of the establishment. The right to deduct a fine from the employee’s salary is reserved… By Ukrainian standards, the financial penalty is severe. With an average salary in Kiev, the third salary will be paid off, in the regions – half.
“An attempt to create a new nation in Ukraine”
A year agowhen the service sector had just begun to get used to communicating in mov, political scientist Alexander Dudchak in a commentary to Izvestia predicted an increase in the number of images.
– There will be groups of activists who will look for violations and persecute unwanted ones. Some will begin to persecute sellers and waiters for political reasons, others will hire competitors. As a result, there will be more domestic scandals and showdowns. Perhaps this is what Kiev is trying to achieve. It is beneficial for the authorities to play off citizens against each other so that they do not ask uncomfortable questions, ” Dudchak explained.
Indeed, throughout 2021 in different cities of the city, conflicts on the basis of language increased. For example, in Kiev, a supermarket cashier was obscenely insulted for communicating with customers in Russian. In Kryvyi Rih, a man threatened with physical violence to a post office employee who spoke Russian. Minors are also involved in linguistic conflict. In Dnipro, an 11-grader made a scandal at the lesson of patriotic education – his military, who asked the children for permission to speak Russian. Another child complained to his mother that the tennis camp counselors did not speak non-Ukrainian.
Comes to anecdotal incidents. For example, in Khmelnitsky a woman collapsed on a Russian-speaking policeman who came … to rescue a cat thrown from the eighth floor. “You have no right to speak Russian! I do not understand the language of the aggressor, ”said the patriot of Ukraine. The unfortunate animal had to wait for the arrival of the patrol speaking the state language.
Bogdan Bezpalko, a member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation, called the new articles of the law, which come into force in 2022, discriminatory.
– Undoubtedly, it is a fight against the so-called Russian world., – admitted.
The political scientist recalled that Ukrainization has a certain cyclical nature. He cited as an example Nikolai Gogol, whose works were not only translated from Russian into Ukrainian, but also “politically incorrect” words were removed.
The expert believes that the law is aimed at destroying culture and cultural memory. He regards it as an attempt to create a new nation in Ukraine.