RegioJet has published details of the planned depot in Prague, asking for the first stamp
Accommodation for employees should be a part of the complex.
The private railway carrier RegioJet has made progress with its plans to build a depot in Prague – Dolní Měcholupy. First presented his intention to the authorities: in the so – called insurance proceedings, he is now looking for the first stamp for a building permit. During the proceedings, it will turn out that his plan will have to go through a complex assessment of the impact of constructions on the environment or, conversely, he will be able to apply for a zoning decision immediately.
The repair depot will be built on land acquired by RegioJet two years ago. This is the existing siding in the east of the industrial zone in Dolní Měcholupy. The depot will be accessed from the Prague-Hostivař station. “The main goal of the plan is to create facilities for the maintenance and repair of Regiojet rolling stock,“Stated in the text.
RegioJet expects several types of repairs and maintenance in the area. Roughly 70% of the capacity is to be covered by vehicle maintenance work lasting 1-2 days, the rest for longer repairs. The dishwasher, paint shop and sub-level lathe should be included.
The new depot is to be built on approximately 6 hectares of land, the built-up area of halls and buildings is 12,250 square meters. The capacity of the maintenance facility is 8 kits in 24 hours, of which 4 during the day and 4 at night. With the construction of the depot, there should be a total of ten tracks in the area. The complex should also include accommodation for depot employees, with a total of up to 230 people to find work here.
So far, RegioJet has the technical background for maintenance and repairs in Zličín, where vehicles have to be transported relatively difficult from Smíchov via Prague Semmering, locomotives are maintained by external companies.
However, the depot will not be used for train turnover, as is still the case in Smíchov. The company has to move out of Smíchov due to development projects, and plans to move to Malešice in Prague.
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