The D1 motorway near Prague closes overnight at the weekend. Drivers must take detours
On the night from Saturday to Sunday, the D1 motorway closes in both directions at the 25th kilometer. The reason is the installation of the supporting structure of the overpass over the motorway near Kaliště near Prague. The Directorate of Roads and Motorways (ŘSD) informed about it. Drivers will have to drive around detours during the closing time.
The highway will close for drivers on Saturday at 21:00, cars will be able to return on Sunday at 9:00. Road workers install overpass structures, which transfer the local service road Lensedly-Hrušov over D1 motorway. The structure is steel, measures 77.5 meters, is four meters wide and weighs 168 tons.
Drivers will have to drive around detours during the weekend night closure. For vehicles up to 12 tons, there is a detour in both directions from the exit to Mirošovice, along the road I / 3 and via Benešov to the exit at the 34th kilometer near Ostředek. Cars over 12 tons have to go around the highway by a significantly longer detour, through Tábor. He will return to the highway at the 90th kilometer near Humpolec.
When road workers demolished the bridge near Kaliště in July, truck drivers did not respect the set detour and drove on routes for cars up to 12 tons. This created traffic complications.
Detour routes during the night closure of the D1 near Prague:
- for vehicles up to 12t (in both directions): MÚK Mirošovice (EXIT 21) – road I / 3 (Mirošovice) – road II / 112 (Benešov) – road II / 110 (Benešov, Soběhrdy, Kozmice) – MÚK Ostředek (EXIT 34)
- for vehicles over 12t (in both directions): MÚK Mirošovice (D1, EXIT 21) – road I / 3 (Mirošovice, Bystřice, Olbramovice, Votice, Miličín) – motorway D3 – MÚK Měšice (D3, EXIT 79) – road I / 19 (Tábor-Zárybničná Lhota , Chýnov, Dolní Hořice- Kladruby, Dolní Hořice-Lejčkov, Obrataň, Čížkov, Pelhřimov-Starý Pelhřimov) – MÚK Humpolec (D1, EXIT 90)
Video: Truck accident on D1
Truck accident on D1 Video: Police of the Czech Republic