Putin: Russia is not interested in rising gas prices in Europe

MOSCOW, October 20 – PRIME. Russia is not interested in an increase in gas prices in Europe, this could have consequences, including for Gazprom, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Putin supported the proposal for non-working days

“This situation leads to a decrease in consumption, this will affect our production companies, and Gazprom as well. Therefore, we are not included in the endless growth in energy resources, including gas.

Putin noted that the reduction in coal and nuclear generation in some countries, leading economies of the world, the tough economy of the last year, the lack of wind generation leads to shortages and under-pumping into underground gas storage facilities.

“And this causes nervousness in the market. Plus the growth of consumption in Asia. All this happened to the situation that we are seeing now,” the president said.

He added that there are also deeper reasons associated with widening budget deficits and disruptions in supply chains, and as a result, rising inflation in leading economies.

“This is such a significant factor, which is reflected even with those phenomena taken into account,” Putin added.