Prague 2 we want other city districts to join the anti-drug declaration, which it signed together with Prague 1 and 5
PIn a declaration signed jointly in mid-September, the directors of the capital called, among other things, for improved drug policy communication, expanded services for drug addicts and homeless people outside the central district, revision of generally binding ordinances and effective sanctions for persons reporting long-term defective behavior in the form of the return of the institute of expulsion. The mentioned declaration was delivered to the mayor of the capital city of Prague last week. The city district of Prague 2 is now appealing to other city districts to join it.
“I hope that the mayor and the Prague leadership will react to the declaration soon and we will sit down at a common table. At the same time, I believe that other parts of the city will join, which certainly have similar experiences. The current security issues, which we opened in ten-point declarations together with Prague 1 and 5, deserve attention and, above all, a quick response from the Prague leadership. Local measures are ineffective in the long run, ” mention the mayor of Prague 2 Jana Černochová.
Prague 2 pay attention to safety and public order in the long run among your priorities. However, they repeatedly address the problems associated with people with risky behavior in some localities, and the measures taken have a short-term effect. These are, for example, Charles Square, Zítkovy sady or the IP Pavlova area.
“We regularly evaluate the current situation with representatives of individual security forces. At security meetings, we jointly address specific local issues and security risks. We can coordinate and react quickly. Unfortunately, we often spin in a so-called circle. People with defective behavior return to other localities repeatedly and the system solution is missing. Police officers and police officers thus encounter insufficient legislation. They encounter toothless ordinances and ineffective sanctions. In addition, the city police are struggling with insufficient police officers through the unsystematic cancellation of table positions. ” describes the practice of Security Councilor Michal Zuna.
Start this year, only 19 city police officers were missing in Prague 2, and this year the situation will not need to be better. The City of Prague has reduced the budget for the city police for this year and abolished the 14 vacant seats altogether.
Reports prepared by the Communication Department of the Municipal Office in Prague 2. Further details: Mgr. Andrea Zoulová, Spokesperson, Communication Department