Respect the privacy and peace of the inhabitants, use the Prague 1 | Prague 1 | From the region Pražská Drbna
Prague 1 encourages tourists in advertising campaigns to respect the privacy and peace of the inhabitants in the center of Prague. Respect is the main motto of the “Enjoy & Respect” campaign, which Jednička gradually launched during this summer. Already in the past, Prague 1 placed small posters around the center, for example, warning of the ban on alcohol consumption in public spaces.
“With this campaign, we try to positively motivate visitors to enjoy the hospitality and beauty of Prague 1, but also to respect the privacy and peace of local citizens., “Said the Mayor of Prague 1 Petr Hejma (TENT).
Information posters and a special website
The campaign includes large information posters that appeared on the streets of the center during the summer, as well as special ones web instagram hashtag #enjoyrespectprague. At the same time, Prague 1 addressed the town halls of some European capitals, such as Berlin, Amsterdam, Glasgow, London and Barcelona, as well as large European news portals with a request for support in spreading this campaign.
The Prague Transport Company (DPP) also wants to get involved in the project. He would provide advertising space on buses to Václav Havel Airport in Ruzyně. In the coming days, leaflets will also appear on other areas, including public toilets.
Cultivation of tourism in the center of Prague
“We have also agreed on cooperation and coordination with Prague City Tourism, which I firmly believe will move our campaign one step further and help cultivate tourism both in Prague 1 and throughout the capital., ”Hejma added.
Already in the past, the center of Prague in particular struggled with a large number of tourists who came to the capital to get drunk. The noise on the streets was necessarily caused mainly by the locals, who were disturbed at night.
One of the most problematic places was Dlouhá street. Due to the covidu-19 pandemic, the number of tourists has dropped significantly over the last year. Tourism is one of the areas most affected by the pandemic.