Politics in Luxembourg: CSV has appointed its champion, Luc Frieden
Politics in LuxembourgCSV has named its champion, Luc Frieden
LUXEMBOURG – The Christian Social Party formalized on Wednesday the choice of the former minister as head of the national list in the October legislative elections.
“I am happy and impressed that my party has chosen me to lead the October elections,” said Luc Frieden on Wednesday, when the CSV became the head of the national list for the legislative elections on October 8. The National Council of the party validated this name “unanimously”, made a point of specifying the two co-presidents Claude Wiseler and Elisabeth Margue. The “choice of experience” that they have praised must still be formally ratified at the congress on March 25 in Ettelbruck.
Luc Frieden therefore returns to business ten years after leaving politics. He had served as Minister of Justice and Finance when Jean-Claude Juncker was Prime Minister, until 2013. He is now President of the Chamber of Commerce, but he has promised to “leave all mandates and functions these next weeks”. “I want to fit in with my task”, says the one who appeared rather relaxed, without a tie, in a sweater and a suit jacket
He stays in politics
“The current challenges are significant, with the war in Europe and energy prices exploding,” said the new CSV champion. He says he has seen “the difficulties of businesses” because of his role as president of the Chamber of Commerce.
While he left the benches of the House as soon as the CSV was rejected in opposition in 2013, Luc Frieden promised this time to keep his post as deputy if such a scenario were to happen again. He will do everything to “put an end to the three-party coalition (DP, LSAP, Déi Gréng), where there is always one who is blocking”. He promises to put in place “a good balance between experienced people and new faces”.