With hashish and a scale in the park
The policemen, alerted by the residents, surprised in the San Giusto district due to boys in possession of hashish and a precision scale
PISA — The agents of a flying squad patrol stopped due to 17-year-old minors found in possession of hashish in the Falcone and Borsellino Park in San Giusto.
I policemenafter some reports from the residents, they went for a check in the green area of the neighborhood, identifying the two young people.
At the sight of the agents, these attempted to get rid of two handmade cigarettes, which were found to be composed of hashish.
Subjected to a personal search, both were found in possession of a wrapper, each weighing 2 gramsbesides a small one precision balance.
Once the drug was seized, the two were reported to the Prefecture and entrusted to their family members.
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