Vienna opposes the immediate entry of Kiev into the EU – Politics

No to Ukraine joining the EU, there are “other methods” to increase integration between Brussels and Kiev. Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg rekindles the debate on Ukraine’s entry into Europe and makes it clear how, beyond the declarations of intent, the path will still be fraught with obstacles. Also because Austria is not the only one to slow down. In recent weeks, for example, a certain caution had also been requested by the government of neighboring Germany. With an appendix that should not be underestimated: both countries have very close relations with those states of the Western Balkans (Albania, Serbia, North Macedonia) that have been candidates for several years to join the Union.

Schallenberg’s words caused an uproar. Kiev immediately expressed its “disappointment” by declaring that – underlined the Ukrainian colleague Kuleba – they are “strategically short-sighted and incoherent with the interests of a united Europe”. On social media, Austria’s position rebounded in a matter of hours and Vienna, like Berlin and the German reluctance to send heavy weapons and put a total energy embargo, came under the crossfire of analysts and wire users. -Ukrainians from all over Europe.

Vienna has not actually announced any veto but has explained that it prefers “different models to full Kiev membership”.
Ready-made models such as an integration of Ukraine into the European Economic Zone in aerial specifications such as energy or transport. Ukraine has concluded the first part of the EU questionnaire to obtain candidate status. The EU Commission is evaluating the responses and, in the weeks they are evaluating, will send the second part of the questionnaire. The objective of the President of the European Council Charles Michel is to place the dossier on the table of the leaders’ summit at the end of June. Certainly, compared to the beginning of the war, the number of states in favor of the yes to Ukraine as a candidate country has increased. But, as Austria has shown, achieving unanimity will not be easy. And alternatives could emerge. Such as, for example, that of the establishment of a European Confederation suggested by Enrico Letta in recent days and which would include the 9 States that want to join the EU, Ukraine above all.