Nuclear power plant: Iran, ‘in Vienna until an agreement is found’ – Middle East

(ANSA) – TEHERAN, MARCH 14 – “We will stay at the Vienna talks until we reach a ‘strong agreement’ that meets all our logical and legal requests”. This was stated on Twitter by the Secretary of the Supreme Council for Iranian National Security Ali Shamkhani in reference to the talks underway in the Austrian capital since November 29 to relaunch the 2015 nuclear deal. “All branches of the Iranian government, aware from intentional internal or external protests are only committed to promoting national interests “added Shamkhani who is in charge of following the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear dossier in Vienna.

Western representatives present at the table in the Austrian capital – Germany, France and Great Britain – blamed Russia for the stalemate in the negotiations due to some new requests presented by Moscow.

On the contrary, Iran believes that an agreement cannot be reached due to political decisions that should be taken by the United States. (HANDLE).