Three suspects arrested after burglary at gas station
It has already happened within the last two weeks
Three break-ins at a liquor store and a gas station. When the burglaries were
cigarettes, cash and alcoholic beverages were stolen. In all deeds
the windows of the shops concerned smashed with a manhole cover.
Due to the circumstances mentioned, it was expected that the crime would be repeated.
Therefore, the area was specifically monitored by police officers.
On Friday, March 4th, 2022, around 2:00 a.m., three people could be there
can be seen trying to break into the gas station again. For this
they tried to break open the casing of the already damaged window. here
all three suspects were arrested after a short escape.
The suspects are a 17-year-old resident in Munich,
a 17-year-old resident in the district of Munich and a 15-year-old
Resident in the district of Munich. After completing the ad recording, they were contacted
handed over to their legal guardians.
Commissariat 52 took over the further investigations.