Slovakia may spend one to two billion euros as a result of the war
“I estimate that the total costs, directly and indirectly, that Slovakia will have with Putin’s war could reach somewhere between one and two billion euros,” said the minister, adding that the war would cost one Slovak employee about 500 to 1,000 euros this year.
According to him, the EU will have to help create more significant packages
Matovič thinks that a package of European money will not be enough at the expense of Slovakia, for example, with the reception of refugees, their accommodation, the provision of health care or benefits in material need. According to him, the EU will have to create more significant aid packages for countries such as Poland, Slovakia and Romania, which are experiencing an onslaught of refugees. “We will try to get everything we can from contributions from Europe, but it will definitely cost us much more.” he added.
According to Matovič, inflation will not fall. “We have all lived in the fact that inflation will start to fall. Based on what Putin has done, it is quite possible that we can shoot inflation at 15 percent in Europe.” informed. The Minister of Finance stated that the war in Ukraine also affected the debate on compensation for increased prices and energy. “We are now overpaying the funds we wanted to use to valorise or take advantage of higher energy prices to use this purpose. recalled. He described the closure of gas supplies to Europe as a real threat, given that Russian President Vladimir Putin could try to force Europe not to help Ukraine.
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