In two they beat a boy in Genoa, viral video on social media – Chronicle

(ANSA) – GENOA, 23 FEB – More violence between minors in Genoa. In these hours he is shooting a video on social media that shoots a boy of about 10 being beaten by two other slightly older boys. The beating took place in via Ayroli, in San Fruttuoso. In the video the boy screams several times after being hit with his fists but the two knock him to the ground and one hits him with a kick. A third person filmed the scene and put the video on social media. The police have already identified one of the two who already have precedents for similar episodes. In mid-February the agents had arrested another 14-year-old boy, also in San Fruttuoso, who together with other peers had beaten a peer to rob him. The others had managed to escape. Investigators do not rule out that the attackers in the video may be the same ones who have terrorized the students of the neighborhood in recent weeks. (HANDLE).