“Our freedom must be respected until the end of our life”
“For six and a half years, I have suffered from an incurable disease. I am severely disabled and several other illnesses have superimposed on this disability, making my life impossible. I did not conceive it 6 years ago, without the use of my legs, but now my life is just survival.
When you read my other testimonial, I’ll be gone in this world […]. I will have found peace and I will no longer suffer.
Guylaine Babes
Life is probably a gift when we are in good health and in good company. I was once blessed with good health and still today have amazing people around me. But that’s not enough to keep me alive anymore.
My loved ones understood my distress and will accompany me until the end.
Guylaine Babes
I dream of another world in which my mental and physical suffering would disappear and where I no longer need to pretend to be grateful for this life that I no longer control. My suffering is too much. For that, I have to go into exile in Belgium.
“I want to decide because I have felt enough”
It is an approach that I wanted to undertake for several years. My loved ones understood my distress and will accompany me until the end. This is love: letting go of the people you love, when their life becomes impossible.
It is I who suffer, not those who decide the laws.
Guylaine Babes
In France, the Leonetti law will never allow me to make this choice as I am now. To request deep sedation and continue, I wait until I am in agony. But I don’t want to have to go through this “terminal” phase.
I want to decide for myself to end my life because I feel that I have suffered enough. No one has the right to decide for me. It is I who suffer, not those who decide the laws.
Belgian law thus allows us to leave with dignity and to put an end to the suffering.
Guylaine Babes
Euthanasia will not be painful. I will fall asleep with the people I love and who love me. Belgian law thus allows us to leave with dignity and to put an end to the suffering.
When will such a law be seen in France? When will we be free to choose the time of our death, when our life has become impossible to live? When will we be free to leave with dignity, without having to die in horrible suffering?
“Our leaders are wrong! “
France, a country of human rights, should modify its law because a sick man is not a man deprived of his rights and that of choosing his end of life is an elementary right.
When will we be free to leave with dignity, without having to die in horrible suffering?
Guylaine Babes
The real evil is not to tolerate assisted death but rather to prevent other human beings from leaving with dignity and without suffering. No one can choose to never get seriously ill.
When you read my other testimony, I will be gone into this world that I have been waiting for a long time now. I will have found peace and I will no longer suffer. But I want to challenge our leaders on a reality that they want to deliberately ignore. They are wrong ! Our freedom must be respected… Until the end of our life. “