Toulouse, a city on foot? We talk about it Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. on Twitter Spaces
You start to know, we like to give you the floor and discuss with you on different subjects related to the life of the Club. After talking about TéFéCé swimsuits and trying to define the ingredients of a beautiful swimsuit, we offer you a new discussion this Tuesday, November 9 at 8:00 p.m. on Twitter Spaces.
Toulouse, a city on foot?
This is the question we ask you during this new Spaces! Agree or not, come up with sharp arguments on a few guests who already have a definite opinion on the matter. And we will give the floor to the greatest number of you: come and share your stories, your anecdotes and feed the debate.
Because the time has come to answer this question that the whole of France is asking itself.
Twitter spaces, what is it?
The Twitter Spaces system is very simple, we promise you, and, as proof, we summarize the “user manual” in a few points:
- From 8:00 p.m., take your smartphone and plug in your hands-free kit.
- Start your Twitter application.
- Log in at the Twitter Spaces of @ToulouseFC.
- The hardest thing is done ! Now, you can be a listener but also a speaker: ask for the floor to share during this “free radio” your vision of the Club’s jerseys, your ideas and opinions!
- And of course, take advantage of the interventions of some guests and specialists who will intervene to give their opinion.