Here & There Festival 2022 La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse Occitanie Toulouse Thursday January 20, 2022
Toulouse La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse Occitanie Haute-Garonne, Toulouse
Event categories:
Here & There Festival 2022 La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse Occitanie, January 20, 2022, Toulouse.
Here & There Festival 2022
from Thursday 20 January 2022 to Saturday 12 February 2022 at La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse Occitanie
### Dance festival A panorama festival to immerse yourself in today’s dances. For 3 weeks, styles intertwine and recognized and emerging artists rub shoulders. We talk about our bodies and the world around us, its relentless violence as well as its infinite gentleness. A world in which to venture together. HERE, the time of a winter, THERE, the time of a festival. ### More informations [Site de la Place de la place ](![](data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7) ### Practical information From January 20 to February 12, 2022
La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse Occitanie 5 Avenue Etienne Billières, 31300 Toulouse, France Toulouse Haute-Garonne
Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour):
2022-01-20T00: 00: 00 2022-01-20T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-21T00: 00: 00 2022-01-21T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-22T00: 00: 00 2022-01 -22T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-23T00: 00: 00 2022-01-23T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-24T00: 00: 00 2022-01-24T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-25T00 : 00: 00 2022-01-25T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-26T00: 00: 00 2022-01-26T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-27T00: 00: 00 2022-01-27T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-28T00: 00: 00 2022-01-28T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-29T00: 00: 00 2022-01-29T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-30T00: 00: 00 2022 -01-30T23: 59: 00; 2022-01-31T00: 00: 00 2022-01-31T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-01T00: 00: 00 2022-02-01T23: 59: 00; 2022-02 -02T00: 00: 00 2022-02-02T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-03T00: 00: 00 2022-02-03T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-04T00: 00: 00 2022-02-04T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-05T00: 00: 00 2022-02-05T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-06T00: 00: 00 2022-02-06T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-07T00: 00: 00 2022-02-07T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-08T00: 00: 00 2022-02-08T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-09T00: 00: 00 2022-02-09T23: 59: 00; 2022 -02-10T00: 00: 00 2022-02-10T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-11T00: 00: 00 2022-02-11T23: 59: 00; 2022-02-12T00: 00: 00 2022-02- 12T23: 59: 00