Coronavirus in Bulgaria: The bad trend continues
There are 35,019 antigens for the day, 2745 of which are corrected, ie. 7.83% of sample products. For, in the previous report you have 42,827 antigen tests, of which comparison 3997, ie. 9.33%. PCR tests are 9795, resulting in 3118, ie. 31.83 percent. On Monday, this type of tests were 7035, such as 2010 – ie. 28.57 percent.
New week, a new record of officially registered cases of coronavirus in Bulgaria. COVID-19 appeared for the first time, in 7 days in …
The total confirmed cases of coronavirus in Bulgaria are already 614 362. 2 784 942 PCR and 2 881 732 antigen tests were performed (a total of 5 666 674), as the average percentage of samples encountered since the beginning of the pandemic is 10.84 percent – cross with 0.02% on a daily basis.
The active cases are increasing again and are now 105,543, which is 3,131 more than in the previous report. There is also an increase in hospitals, with the number of people there being 8149, which is 119 more (999 were admitted to the hospital, 880 were discharged). There are 696 patients admitted to intensive care units – 27 more on a daily basis. 2587 people have already recovered and the total number is 484 365. 145 have died – 165 less than on Monday, when the record 310 people from the beginning of the hinge were reported. Thus, the total number of losses in the battle with the virus in Bulgaria is already 24,454.
The Ministry of Health is already presenting data and whatever part of the infected, go to the hospital and included are not fully vaccinated. During the last 24 hours, 86.51 percent of those who tested positive were not immunized. 89.99 of those admitted to the hospital for treatment were also unvaccinated. The average day for the day 91.03 percent is not vaccinated.
A total of 16,016 medical personnel are among the official cases of coronavirus, ie. with 89 more. 57,448 are under quarantine – an increase of 1,592 on a daily basis, noting that the active cases are over 48,000 more than the quarantined persons.
919.35 is the 14-day retention of 100,000 people compared to 909.43 days earlier. 462.95 is the 7-day value per 100,000 people in the direction of 479.91 in the previous report.
“This morning, very strict plans were presented to fight the pandemic: 1. Making calls 2. With 300 participants and 6000 newly infected – o …
The single information portal provides data and add doses of vaccines. They are a total of 2,893,502, which means that 24.44% of the country’s population has already received a single dose. People with completed immunization are 1,528,975 or 22.13 percent of the population, and they include 323 770 Jansen vaccines – 7601 per day, which is administered in a single dose. There are 18,804 additional vaccines for the last 24 hours. 7649 are the first dose, 9986 are the second dose and 1169 are the third. 20,308 people also received a booster dose, most of them – 6,544 are in the capital.
Most cases are reopened in Sofia – 1287, followed by Plovdiv with 572, Varna with 496 and Burgas with 419. There is no district without new cases, as they are least in Smolyan – 44, Targovishte – 45, and Kardzhali – 47 .
A total of 8,091,462 cases of coronavirus have already been confirmed in Turkey, with 29,796 new infected – 1,118 more than on Monday. 7,549,258 have recovered – 29,837 new ones. 71,052 people are included, and there are 224 victims per day – 7 more. New cases were detected in 361,361 tests, which means that 8.24 percent of the samples were directed to 8.04% a day earlier.
Patients with obvious symptoms of coronavirus infection often give negative COVID tests. This was announced at …
Romania remains in second place in the Balkans in the number of cases – 1,666,097. Of these, 1,429,157 people have recovered so far, with 13,551 new ones. The victims of the virus are a total of 48,664, with 586 names in the last 24 hours – 275 more than on Monday. The new cases are 11,073 – 4,080 more. They were detected in 72,231 PCR and antigen tests. This means that 15.32 percent of the samples are directed to 24.78% a day earlier. 1,876 people are in the intensive care unit, and a total of 19,987 patients are in the hospitals.
IN Serbia There are officially 1,155,756 cases, which means that there are 7,111 new cases per day – 1,215 more than on Monday. 1 007 042 have recovered, again with no new data. 10,078 patients are connected, with 60 victims per day – 3 less. 24,653 tests were performed, which makes an infectivity of 28.84, which is aimed at 29.55% per day. The situation in our western neighbors escalated with protests in early July 2020, and at that time there were serious doubts as to whether the official statistics were true, after Serbian President Alexander Vucic replied that there were 4,000 people with COVID-19 in Belgrade alone. in the hospitals that were filled, and according to official statistics the active cases were a little over 3,000 when Vucic spoke, which does not mean in the hospital! Now, according to official data, the hospital has 6,781 people, and 282 of them are on respiratory treatment.
Greece registered a record 6,700 new cases of coronavirus – 1,275 more than Monday. Follow the members of 60 people – 8 more. Thus, the page has a total of 754,451 cases of infection and 16,050 victims. New cases can be detected in a much larger number of tests – 419,408, which means that 1.59 percent of the samples are aimed at 6.56% per day. There are currently 434 intubated patients in intensive care units in Greece. According to the latest available data, about 60.5% of Greeks have been vaccinated against COVID-19, which is less than the union average of 64.7%. Greece also provides data on patient health. So far it is 691,597, with 3,324 new cases.
Croatia reached the number of 472,259 infected. Of these, 442,406 have recovered – 3,067 new, and 9,291 are included, with 40 new victims – 9 more than on Monday. There are 785 new cases – a decrease of 34, which were detected in 1,287 tests. Thus, the infection of the country is 27.19 in the direction of 31.56% a day earlier. The active cases are 20,562, since at the highest limit of infection you have only 7 active hospitals.
“Mortality on a daily basis will increase over the next two weeks. When you remove Tuesdays, it is currently about 140 per day, the next more …
Bosnia and Herzegovina reported 255,054 infected, with 706 new cases – 404 more than Monday. So far, the total number of victims is 11,654 or 47 new – 65 less. The data on recovery are again unchanged – 192,218 people.
IN Northern Macedonia 203,298 were infected, with 593 new infected – 440 more than on Monday. A total of 189,264 people have recovered – 415 new ones. So far, 7,159 patients have died or 14 per day – 1 more. The new cases were discovered when determining 3391 tests, which means that 17.48 percent of the samples were directed to 9.87% a day earlier.
IN Albania the confirmed cases are 186,222 in the evening, with 725 new ones – a serious increase of 528 in the direction of Monday. 175,451 patients have recovered so far – 602 new ones. 2937 people are included, and there are 6 new ones per day – 1 less. New cases were detected when test 3273 was determined, which makes the infection 22.15 versus 10.2% a day earlier.
Montenegro reported 145,314 infected, with 622 new infected – 244 more than Monday. So far, 2,113 people have died or 6 new ones – 2 more. 138,649 patients recovered – 517 new ones.
Prof. Ventsislav Petkov was born in Bulgaria. After graduating from the Medical University in Sofia, he moved to Austria as a specialist in …
More: Coronavirus Worldwide: All Lower Mortality in Western Europe
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