Pivovar Dudák: Otavský zlatý získal třetí místo v soutěži Pivo České republiky
09/27/2020 22:11 | Tisková zpráva
Strakonický pivovar The bagpipes are famous for their use on the surface. The Czech Republic is a third-party organization in the category of the Czech Republic Premium in the prestigious country of Pivo in the Czech Republic.
„Medailové umístění Otavského zlatého nám v pivovaru udělalo velkou radost. It is therefore not possible for a third party to enter the Czech Republic in the case of Agnus and Žatecký poloraný červeňák,
The former Republic of the Czech Republic is closed in the Czech Republic in the framework of the 31st annual Mezinárodního pivní festival. In this category, the premium is 28 years in the market and in the case of small and medium-sized plants and minivans.
Strakonický pivovar sbírá úspěchy na degustačních soutěžích pravidelně. The number of Member States in the year 2019 is limited to the first half of the year. In the case of non-member countries which have received other national aids, this is not the case in the European Union,
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author: Tisková zpráva