Bouwend Nederland: urgent capital injection needed by the Woningborg insurer | financial
The building umbrella organization is currently in talks with Woningborg about the capital injection. Also about discussions with the government. It is an important party in the construction sector.
Construction companies often cannot start construction projects without a certificate from an insurer such as Woningborg. And that is a downer, because there has been a housing shortage for some time. As a result, house prices have risen sharply and it is difficult for starters, for example, to obtain a home for sale.
Financially healthy
According to Bouwend Nederland’s spokesperson, Woningborg is still financially healthy. But recently so many requests for a certificate have been received from Woningborg that the company can no longer insure all those construction projects. It is also a factor that, for example, the prices of raw materials have grown and become increasingly more expensive.
Bouwend Nederland cannot say how much money Woningborg needs to meet the demand. No one at Woningborg itself could be reached for comment on Monday evening. The Ministry of the Interior was also unable to respond immediately.