Berlin elects new House of Representatives |
Berlin elects a new House of Representatives
Parallel to the general election, a new House of Representatives will be elected in Berlin on Sunday (8 a.m.). Around 2.45 million eligible voters are called upon to cast their votes.
Parallel to the general election, a new House of Representatives will be elected in Berlin on Sunday (8 a.m.). Around 2.45 million eligible voters are called upon to cast their votes. Governing Mayor Michael Müller says goodbye to state politics and clears the way for SPD top candidate Franziska Giffey, who has been leading the polls with the SPD for several weeks. Behind are the Greens, who could improve significantly.
The CDU is seen in third place, together from the left. The AfD could lose some points, but would still be represented in the House of Representatives, as would the FDP. After the election, a continuation of the red-red-green coalition could be just as possible as a coalition of the SPD, CDU and FDP. In addition to the Bundestag and the House of Representatives, the district assemblies are also newly elected in Berlin. In addition, the referendum “Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co.” will be voted on.