Halo moon over Berlin: Spectacular phenomenon in the night sky
weather phenomenon
Halo moon over Berlin: Spectacular phenomenon in the night sky
A so-called halo moon appears over Berlin on Thursday evening. This is behind the spectacular weather phenomenon.
Berlin. Spectacular weather phenomenon on Thursday evening over Berlin: the moon appeared with a kind of halo on a night that was quickly becoming clear throughout Berlin. The light effect that leads to the so-called halo moon WILL be triggered loudly www.wetteronline.de by ice crystals in the atmosphere.
In the north-east of the city, the weather phenomenon is evidently easy to see, such as several postings in the Facebook group “Pankow, our district”show.
Halo moon appears over Berlin
Responsible for the effect are ice clouds at a height of 5,000 to 13,000 meters, which can hardly be seen with the naked eye, according to the experts from Wetteronline.
“Halo phenomena are much more intelligent to observe than other atmospheric light effects, such as rainbows. However, they are usually also fainter, so that an observer cannot immediately recognize and classify them. Different on Thursday evening.
Unlike halos around the sun, those around the moon always appear white because the human eye is unable to discern color in the lower light intensity in the dark, experts say.
Ice crystals in high cirrus or cirrostratus clouds refract the light and phenomena give the moon a halo. According to the weather website, the phenomenon can indicate an upcoming change in the weather.