Viktor Orbán: Brussels betrays Hungary and the people of Europe
After the border inspection, the prime minister’s journalists said the fence was good and strong, more people might be needed, but then people would be asked and commanded here. The weak point is Brussels, which says that whoever wants to come from Afghanistan must be admitted, he added, stressing “it’s a betrayal.”
He said: there are thousands working here so that everyone inside Europe can live in safety; However, Brussels betrays Hungary and the people of Europe. Here, “we are protecting the security of the whole of Europe,” and hopefully it will all stop bringing people here from Afghanistan, he said. He added that the aid should be taken to where the trouble is, and not the trouble should be brought into Hungary, the Czech Republic or the European Union (EU).
The 175-kilometer border is protected along its entire length by a fence, and half of the Hungarian-Croatian section is also protected by such physical obstacles.
From that direction, in a few months in 2015, more than 400,000 people entered without any paperwork and permission – “it was a real invasion” – citing German Chancellor Angela Merkel inviting them to Germany. Public safety became almost unsustainable, unbearable conditions, so it was decided that the fence should be given. He emphasized that if one wanted to, one could protect the border, and the EU lacked not the ability but the will.
Viktor Orbán mentioned that I am defending the fence with 4,500 people, this is one of the largest budget expenditures in the law enforcement chapter. To do this, we are “not getting any special help from the EU”, just like everything else.
This is also the Schengen external border, and when the biggest trouble was, the political and physical support that depends on the Czech Republic and the Visegrad Four means a lot. We welcome the offer of the Czech Prime Minister to provide assistance if necessary, he noted.
There is Serbia on the other side of the fence, but there should be no fence here, because Serbia should be a member of the European Union and the Schengen zone, it should be defended, it should not be. He believed that if the EU, the bureaucrats in Brussels, cared about security, we should have taken Serbia in, and then we would be more and more secure.
Asked by Viktor Orbán, if there had been no fence, millions of migrants would have had to control millions of migrants in recent years in terms of Schengen, terrorist acts and crime, and women in Germany would have felt safe. The influx is still going on now, and if the fence is torn down, tens of thousands would come through tomorrow, hundreds of thousands next week, millions in a month, ”he said, adding that migrants are not refugees but want a better life.
According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, migration is not a human right, everyone has a homeland, it must be kept in order, livable and developing. No one can demand that what many generations in our countries have worked for is nullified by the influx of millions of migrants. But it can help their countries get well, “we’re ready for that.”
Andrej Babis stated that the EU is dealing with many meaningless things, such as quotas, which have been proposed instead. Human traffickers must be combated and helped outside Europe, where the wave of migrants must be stopped.
He visited here to see in practice why the fence was created, what its importance was; In 2015, when 400,000 migrants came here, Viktor Orbán was waiting to see what Brussels would do, but nothing happened, the Czech prime minister said. When the fence was built, it was the only well-functioning Schengen border, and that’s why it was built here, because that was the shortest route for migrants to Germany.
He noted there are those who say there are no migrants, but now the number of migrants and human traffickers has also tripled. Human traffickers are asking for 3,500,000 euros per person to help migrants get to Germany.
According to the Czech Prime Minister, the position in Europe is slowly changing, but more countries should be included in the Schengen area and a greater voice should be placed on the protection of the maritime border.
Opening picture: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd