Sport: Longevity Run, the combination of health – Sport returns to Rome

(ANSA) – ROME, OCTOBER 11 – The weekend of October 15-16 will see the combination of health and sport protagonist of the IV Roman edition of the Longevity Run. The appointment with the prevention and promotion of correct lifestyles moves this year to the Circus Maximus. The day of Saturday 15 will be dedicated to free check-ups at the Gemelli Hospital and physical activity with pilates and functional lessons, Sunday 16 October the scene will be dominated by the Longevity Run, a non-competitive 6 km race, which is accompanied by this ‘year of the historic 15 km competitive’ Roma Urbs Mundi ‘organized by the sports group GSBrun – Bancari Romani. For the Longevity Run you can register on the website “We have reached the edition of the Longevity Run – says Prof. Francesco Landi, Director UOC Internal Geriatric Medicine Foundation Agostino Gemelli University Hospital IRCCS, Professor of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – an event that is growing in prestige and Popularity, meeting more and more the favor of the public. This year the Village of Prevention is based on the Circus Maximus and we of the Gemini will be there to reaffirm the importance of prevention, a healthy lifestyle and research for the achievement of better health at all ages, a prerequisite for successful longevity. But that’s not all. This year Komen will also be present at the Prevention Village, to remind everyone of the importance of breast cancer screening, given that October is also the month dedicated to this, which is the most frequent cancer among women and compare at an increasingly early age.

Prevention and a correct lifestyle are two sides of longevity and we want to remember this through the Longevity Run, which is also and above all a great event dedicated to health and advice on how to give yourself many years to live in good health. We at Gemelli will be next to and among the people, with free screenings, reaffirm the importance of prevention, also on the subject of vaccines (flu, shingles, COVID-19), and to be the first to set a good example. I myself will participate in the Longevity Run “. (ANSA).