Bad weather: storm over Florence, 50 requests to firefighters – Chronicle

(ANSA – FLORENCE, 17 SEPTEMBER – Violent storm this morning in Florence, 50 requests for intervention from the fire brigade: these are mostly calls for interventions to be carried out for tiles or unsafe branches.

In via dei Renai a tree in a garden fell in the street, no one was involved. On the state road in Vallombrosa, in the Florentine area, 300 historic vehicles were always blocked due to the fall of some branches. The situation was then resolved without the intervention of the rescuers. Also in Prato, in via Vivaldi, a tree fell, ending up on the roadway and damaging a parked car. The fire brigade team removed the plant to allow circulation to be restored. There are no people involved.

Interventions for branches and unsafe objects, due to bad weather, are underway in various parts of the city. The Civil Protection of the Metropolitan City of Florence warns that the current disturbance is affecting the territory with locally intense storms associated with strong gusts of wind. At the Giogo station in the Apennines, gusts of around 100 km / h were recorded, while on the rest of the territory the gusts reached 70-80 km / h.

The president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani explained on social media that: “The disturbance is coming down from the Apennines with downpours even locally strong and some scattered hailstorms. In Capraia register gusts at 77km / h, the wind is turning north-east across the the region bringing cold air. Even in Florence and in the urban centers at the moment gusts up to 80km / h, we pay attention “. (HANDLE).