Startup: Threebot Technology in Rome for “Cte 360” – Sicily

He created Travelino, a new tourism search engine

(ANSA) – PALERMO, 29 JUL – A Sicilian startup flies to Rome for the “Cte 360”, the first pre-acceleration program aimed at 12 selected startups on the national territory.

It’s called Threebot Technology, it specializes in the design and development of digital products, creator of “Travelino”, a technology created in 2020 to promote the recovery of the tourism industry hit by the pandemic, an innovative search engine that uses artificial intelligence to develop conversational commerce. The project was recently selected at the “House of emerging technologies”, a pre-acceleration path that will see the team fly to Rome in the coming months for a new experience of growth and consolidation of the project before the official launch. The house of emerging technologies, in fact, represents an opportunity for “Travelino” and other 11 selected projects which, leveraging emerging technologies (5G, IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence), aim to innovate the mobility and tourism sectors starting precisely from the capital. The program, which will last a total of 5 months, will allow the startup to have at its disposal a technical workshop, level mentor events that will be made available in the exclusive spaces of the Hub available from Roma Capitale at the Tiburtina Station headquarters, the acceleration enterprise aims to advance the TRL (Technological Readiness Level) and IRL (Investment readiness level) by helping the startup to reach the market with the innovative solution proposed and to satisfy the needs of the population, contributing to the development of the entire ecosystem .

The CTE-Roma Open Lab is a project co-financed by the Ministry of Economic Development and by Acea SpA, WindTre SpA, Tim SpA, a course managed by LVenture Group SpA, “Innova srl ​​Peekaboo srl in collaboration with the” Roma Tre “Universities , “Tor Vergata”, “Sapienza”, “Luiss” (ANSA).