Comeback of Daniel Gassner – Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein’s endurance athlete Daniel Gassner is making his comeback at the Aquathlon in Barcelona after a long break from competition. (Photo: ZVG)
Liechtenstein|2 hours ago (Updated 2 hours ago)
BARCELONA – Triathlete Daniel Gassner competed in the Aquathlon in Barcelona on Saturday. Most recently, he was unable to compete for a long time due to the corona situation and a shoulder injury.
Liechtenstein’s endurance athlete Daniel Gassner is making his comeback at the Aquathlon in Barcelona after a long break from competition. (Photo: ZVG)
BARCELONA – Triathlete Daniel Gassner competed in the Aquathlon in Barcelona on Saturday. Most recently, he was unable to compete for a long time due to the corona situation and a shoulder injury.
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