Follow-Up Email After An Interview: Examples + Tips

They’re likely interviewing several candidates, all of whom they must consider. When it comes to following up on a job application, timing is essential. You don’t want to appear too eager, but you also don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to make a positive impression.

  • I’m interested in learning more about your career path toward becoming an operations manager and am always looking for ideas on how I might improve my skill set.
  • It is important to investigate the causes of medical school rejections of low-income Latinos.
  • While it is not unique to Latinos, the time commitment of the application process is especially harsh on low-income students because they have financial burdens that can determine their survival.
  • Prospective low-income Latino students can view this as a graduate program tailored to communities like theirs.
  • You may have other reasons for wanting to reach out after an interview as well.
  • So he decided to be proactive, emailed his top pick, and told them about the offer he got and how he would be happy to turn it down if he was still in contention for a job with them.
  • Now you must follow up in a way that expresses your gratitude and excitement while also asking for an extension on when you’ll share your final decision.

However, in case you interviewed with multiple people, you’ll have to send a separate follow-up email to every person. Finally, if you get another offer while waiting for a certain company to get back to you, inform that company you’re waiting for immediately, regardless of whether or not you’ll accept the offer. It was a pleasure getting to know you and speaking about your career trajectory. Because I’d like to build a career in hiring and recruitment, I’m sure there’s a lot I could learn from you. I’m really excited about your opening with [Company 2] and feel it’s a much better fit for me. I’m happy to turn down the offer with [Company 1] if [Company 2] chooses me to fill in the [Position name] position in your company.

How to prepare for a new job and set yourself up for success

Waiting for a response can be nerve racking, but you are entitled to check in with the employer or recruiter to follow up. Here’s an example of a follow-up you can send if you haven’t heard anything from the recruiter or hiring manager after the final interview. If you still haven’t heard from the company in 7-10 days, it’s probably safe to send a follow-up email. Make sure you double-check your tone and consider the work the team is juggling right now on top of hiring duties. The Medical School Admission Requirement (MSAR) database compiled extensive data about participants in the medical school; the data range from tuition to student body demographics. Although the Latino representation in this medical school may be higher than that in others, it does not reflect the number of Latinos in Manhattan.

how to follow up on a job application after interview

It is also important to have transparency so the public knows the number of low-income Latino individuals in medical school. The Latino statistics from the medical school generally include international students. That speaks to diversity but misses the important aspect of uplifting the low-income Latino population of the United States. Passing off wealthy international students from Latin America to claim a culturally diverse class is misleading as it does not reflect income diversity. Doing so gives the incorrect perception that the medical school is accurately representing the Latino population of the United States. It can be discouraging to approach a field that does not have many people from your background.

Refresh Your References

According to a CareerBuilder study, 22% of employers are less likely to hire a candidate who doesn’t make an effort to send them a thank-you note. Don’t give up the opportunity you worked so hard to win by committing this oversight. Meeting you and hearing more about the role has validated for me that it’s something I would enjoy. I’m confident that my experience in [relevant example] and my keen interest in [relevant example] make me a strong candidate for the role. Having reviewed your company’s recent accomplishments, I am particularly impressed by [mention a specific project or initiative that resonates with you]. My background in [relevant skills or experience] would allow me to add value to your team and help drive similar successes in the future.