‘Lisboa à Prova’ highlights “resilience” of restaurants during the pandemic
ANDCompared to previous editions, Alma (two Michelin stars) and Epur (one star) results are “repeated” in the “3 Forks” category.
The 14th edition of the contest began in 2020, but it was made to the confines, “to move forward and other constraints, it extended during the year 2021, to know more than 2021, to also know more than 330 visits that were carried out by independent judges to the registered restaurants”, said the organization.
“In this edition marked by the covid-19 pandemic, it is worth highlighting an enormous demonstrable resilience, which, despite the permanent and permanent tasks in this edition, remain irreducible and permanent in this edition”, added the problems, highlighting the effort and perspective of a promissory future contest in this award ceremony and in the opening of entries for the 2022 edition.
“Restaurants that, in this context, remain in the competition with requirements that are known to them now see their efforts recognized”, they also refer.
With the classification “2 Forks superior”, with eight distinguished restaurants; in the “2 Forks” category, 16 were awarded; in the category of “1 fork superior”, there are 22 establishments and 40 are awarded with “1 fork”.
The awards were delivered today at a ceremony in the City Hall, in which Carlos Moedas participated for the first time, in the turn of the new executive of the Lisbon City Council, who came out of the iniquities of 2021.
“Lisboa à Prova” is a project by the communication consultancy ÚNICA and promoted by the Lisbon City Council, Turismo de Lisboa and the Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Similar Services of Portugal (AHRESP), as the main objectives to promote Lisbon gastronomy. as a factor of tourist utility, valorization of the sector and to stimulate an improvement in the quality of the services provided.
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