Istanbul, ‘2024 world book capital’ candidate
IMM President Ek İmamoğlu, who hosted the Libraries Union President Barbara Lison in the Atatürk Library in Bey, said, “Istanbul’s delivery will be taken as an example20 and my lord Sayın.
I am very happy to tell you about Istanbul being a digital education city with its old book culture and being a “world book” in Lison. Of course you will have competition” uses.
İBB İmamoğlu stated that the books at the level of knowledge have increased in your case with digitization, that in 2024, Istanbul will share a great sample and example with the president; “Get ready for our book-friendly Istanbul where you can use it in the best possible way and explain all kinds of things in a useful way. As a book friend, I will tell you about the book festival in Istanbul in the best way possible”.
Emphasizing that knowledge is about time, Lison said, “Because knowledge lies within the book. A digital personal development, of course. This personalization must be linked. He thinks that Istanbul is a city in digital line with its old book culture. I am very happy to express that you are the book capital of the world. Turkey is a very important game in this field. World book capitals, advanced game cities in this field. Istanbul will be one of them. Of course you will have competition. But competition is always good. Especially with sizing, Istanbul will create a very important competition in this field”.
The concept of “World Capital”, from the 1990s, “United nations Education Science and Culture” is one of the world-wide universal books worldwide (UNESCO). It was chosen as the capital city of 2001, according to the future of “Book and Wire Day”.