Governor admits mistakes –
At the special state parliament on Covid, Governor Wilfried Haslauer (ÖVP) admitted mistakes on Thursday – the state should have been more populist when promoting the vaccination. Now a separate vaccination lottery is to come.
There were misjudgments, admitted ÖVP governor Wilfried Haslauer at the special state parliament, which the SPÖ had requested. The governor said that the more reliable PCR tests should be rolled out across the board as early as the spring. For a long time, Salzburg initially relied on antigen tests.
And when it comes to vaccination offers, Salzburg should have been more “populist”, said Haslauer, and should have been more responsive to the people. The expectation was rather that people would take advantage of the offers themselves.
Photovoltaics should motivate people to vaccinate
Now the state of Salzburg also wants to run an vaccination lottery, in which all participants can die until December 31st. You can win a car, photovoltaic systems, household electricity that should be free and free internet.
The admission of the governor was received positively by the opposition, SPÖ club chairman Michael Wanner assessed the announcement of the vaccination lottery as very positive. FPÖ club boss Marlene Svazek said the state government had to reach those people who were afraid of the vaccination.