Bombs on Shell premises in Cologne? Aerial photos show possible duds

Are there still duds from the Second World War on the premises of the Shell refinery in Cologne? This now suggests aerial photos, which is why the first excavations will take place at the beginning of December. However, it is still unclear whether evacuation will have to take place in the vicinity of the site.

There could be two duds from the Second World War on the premises of the Shell refinery in Cologne-Godorf. As the Shell group and the city of Cologne announced, two suspicious points have been identified during inspections prior to construction work.

The area is therefore the “Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rhineland”. After evaluating aerial photographs taken by the Allies, it emerged that duds from the Second World War cannot be ruled out in two places next to the building site.

It is still open whether there will be evacuations

As the Shell group announced, excavations would now be necessary. According to Shell, it has not yet been possible to say whether the immediate vicinity will have to be evacuated in the event of possible defuses. The next steps will be determined between the group, the city of Cologne and the ordnance disposal service (KBD).

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The first excavations are expected to take place in early December, so the city of Cologne in a press release. In order not to take any risks during the excavations, protective devices are currently being installed around one of the suspected points.

This includes digging a relief ditch. In addition, 32 containers filled with water are set up so that nearby facilities on the industrial site are not affected. The second “soil anomaly” is exposed a few weeks later.