Sustainable cities, from the exhibition Open a recipe for Verona –
Sustainable construction, transport, reforestation and the use of energy sources that limit the dispersion of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. They are the four pillars to get to get “Sustainable cities” in a relatively short time: the thirty years that separates us from 2050, the year of the goal, for European countries, of climate neutrality. A few days after the closing of the G20 in Rome, and while COP26 is underway in Glasgow, the Open – Sustainable Activities review touches on the theme of the relationship between cities and climate change, starting from the situation in Verona and other Italian realities.
We have reached the vice president of the Order Valeria Reale Ruffino.
Starting point of the event, which was held today in the headquarters of the Order of Engineers of Verona, a data, summarized by Chiara Wolter, architect and expert Energy of Ambiente Italia: «Cities, urban agglomerations – explained di serra – are responsible for 80% of gas emissions. For this reason, complete decarbonization, scheduled for 2050, represents a very high challenge, significantly raising the bar compared to previous programs such as Europe 2020 “. Where to start? «62% of Italian municipalities, which in turn account for 90% of the population – continues Wolter – have signed up to a climate pact. Among these there is also Verona. In order to understand what the possibilities for action are, it is necessary to understand which sectors “put” the most. In recent years, the transport sector has positioned itself in first place, with 33.6% of emissions, surpassing the residential sector, responsible for 28.3% of emissions. To achieve the objectives it will be necessary to identify solutions in all the objectives: from energy efficiency of buildings, to sustainable mobility, up to the use of district heating for buildings ».
For Dino Zardi, professor of Environmental Civil Engineering at the University of Trento, «the effects of climate change are absolutely evident, not only on a global scale, but also in our microclimates. The urban heat island has a particular impact for Verona, as highlighted by recent studies carried out starting from the data collected by local meteorological stations. The Verona Sud area, with its industrial area, is particularly disadvantaged. In this context, the presence of trees can make the difference, with a drop of over two degrees, a lot in such a context ».
And this is precisely the heart of “Forestami”, which delivers from the Metropolitan City of Milan of Milan the planting of 3 million trees in the Lombard capital and in the hinterland, by 2030. “They have joined – he explained Maria Chiara Shepherd, Polytechnic researcher who follows the initiative – 45 municipalities. The goal is to arrive at a real metropolitan park ».
Finally, public transport: is it really possible, as we aim to do in some German cities, to connect to “an entire city in fifteen minutes”? «The road to efficient public transport – he says Maurizio Tira – Professor of Technique and Urban Planning at the University of Brescia and President of the Italian Society of Urban Planners – passes through a conciliation between the existing urban fabric: it is impossible to impose the same model on everyone. At the same time, however, it will be necessary, from an urban planning point of view, to offer as much as possible ».
The engineer and councilor Ilaria Segala was also present today at the second round of the Open review who talked about how the Sboarina administration has always put the issue of sustainability at the center, planning the city of the future.