No pass: protest sale in Naples, three demonstrations today – Campania

Presidia at the Duomo, Piazza Dante and S. Domenico Maggiore,

(ANSA) – NAPLES, OCTOBER 23 – About 150 in front of the Cathedral, with the bust of San Gennaro, 400, perhaps 500 in Piazza Dante. A third garrison is announced in the evening in Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, in the ancient center of the city. The “no green pass” area of ​​Naples seems to be gaining strength, in support of the protest of the Trieste dockers, greeted by banners and placards.

The “Presidium Duomo” invites unity, but the appeal – says one of the organizers – was not accepted by the “Dante Presidium”, another wing of the anti-green pass area, led by a coordination that has already announced a new demonstration for next Saturday.

In Piazza Dante, there are drums that roll to the cry “corteo-corteo”. But the police headquarters did not authorize it. “We will do it next Saturday” announces an exponent of the coordination over the microphone, but a part of the square wants to do it immediately.

Between the two squares, the watchwords are the same: no to the hated green pass, freedom to get vaccinated or not, freedom to work, resignation of the Draghi government and of Minister Speranza. Signatures are gathered at a banquet for a popular initiative bill for “the immediate abolition of the state of emergency”. Flags of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies are waved, but there are also signs calling for “proletarian unity against capital”. At the microphone, a representative of the “Students against the green pass” who distributes leaflets (“the green pass is a political measure of social control”) reads a long ideological proclamation. The coordination tries to mediate: “those who want to march are free to do so, but we must tell you that they are not authorized”. In the end, it won’t. (HANDLE).