Unknown soldier: in Genoa the Train of Memory – Liguria

Bucci: We honor the dead for homeland and think about the value of peace

(ANSA) – GENOA, 11 OCT – The historic train that in 1921 transported the remains of the Unknown Soldier from Aquileia to Rome stopped off in Genoa. Upon arrival of the convoy, a commemorative ceremony was held on platform 11 of the Genoa Piazza Principe station, which was also attended by students. The Train of Memory, before arriving in Rome on November 4th, has foreseen various stages. “Genoa pays homage to the” Train of Memory “to honor all the Italians who gave their lives for their homeland – said the mayor Marco Bucci – It is an honor to host the convoy that transported the body of the Unknown Soldier in 1921. in gratitude to those 651,000 Italian soldiers who lost their lives in the Great War. A huge number that must reflect on the importance of working, all together, every single day, in favor of peace. The train can be visited by citizens all day long and has a wagon for a commemorative exhibition that recalls the story of Maria Bergamas of Gradisca d’Isonzo, mother of a lost irredent who was chosen to choose the coffin of the Unknown Soldier. The president of the Regional Council Gianmarco Medusei also participated: passed that Liguria was the first region in Italy that, with all its 234 municipalities, recognized the citizenship initiative hourly to the Unknown Soldier (ANSA).