251 thousand leather goods seized in Porto Venezia – Veneto

By Customs officials and the Finance Police

(ANSA) – VENICE, 06 OCT – The officials of the Excise, Customs and Monopoly Agency serving at the Venice Customs Office, together with the Fiamme Gialle of the 2nd Group of the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza, have submitted an administrative seizure 251,862 articles of leather goods (bags, wallets and accessories for women) ready to be marketed, even in the absence of the prescribed traceability and safety indications provided for by the national legislation for the protection of consumers.

As part of the checks carried out at the Commercial Terminal of Fusina on the trailers disembarked from the motor ships of Greek origin, after the intensification of commercial exchanges following the long decline of the two-year period of suspicion from Covid-19, a semi-trailer containing packages placed in bulk. Inside were found articles made in China that show serious deficiencies in the minimum information required by law (fibrous composition of the textile product, indication of the importer / distributor, indication in Italian of information, warnings, instructions for use and disposal ).

The irregularities found were reported to the competent offices of the Chamber of Commerce for the subsequent imposition of the foreseen administrative sanctions, ranging between 9,000 and 60,000 euros, while further investigations, including fiscal ones, are being examined. (HANDLE).