Whirlpool: Fim Cisl Naples, Mise confirms commitments – Campania

So Trapani after the meeting on the dispute

(ANSA) – NAPLES, 04 AUGUST – “Mise made the commitments made in the minutes of 20 December 2021 both on the reindustrialisation of the site and on the re-employment calendar of all workers, also confirms that the consortium will move on the new sustainable mobility chains and will have the Adler as leader “. This was communicated by the general secretary of the Fim Cisl of Naples, Biagio Trapani after the meeting on the Whirlpool dispute.

“According to Trapani, there are still questions relating to the certification of the site in via Argine, but according to the Prefect and the institutions present at the table, there are no impediments, so much so that by 25 August the environmental the transfer of the site.

A fact that would put in place new meetings in which the Lead Partner of the Consortium will also participate to start talking about industrial plans “.

“Like the Neapolitan Fim Cisl – concludes Trapani – appreciating the commitment of the Prefect and the institutions present, we believe that the conditions are finally created to give life to a project about which we have talked so much but little realized.

According to what is illustrated today, we believe that next September is truly a decisive moment for a dispute that has now passed from emblematic to historical; the families of via Argine deserve an acceleration also because time plays against us, the process of social safety nets has helped us to manage a complicated phase but it bites on the coffers of male and female workers “. (ANSA).