Venice firefighters experiment with new call management – Chronicle

(ANSA) – VENICE, 12 JUN – The Operations Room of the Venice Fire Brigade Command uses the Fire Priority Dispatch System to manage emergency calls. the Lagoon Command is the first among the firefighters in Italy to use this new methodology, obtaining the possibility of experimenting it for three years.

The system, applied in 46 countries, translated into 22 languages ​​and used in more than 2,500 operations centers, both for the fire brigade, the emergency medical service and the police forces, is structured with questions and instructions for the caller and other security people present on the scene. The use of interview protocols and standardized instructions will lead to a more homogeneous management of requests and the sending of rescue resources, increasing the level of quality of the service provided. In Italy the system is already used by various Suem 118 operations centers with excellent results.

A quality improvement system is also envisaged through internal audits carried out by specialized operators who will carry out the replay and analysis of the calls in order to help the Operations Room operators to use the protocols in an increasingly consistent manner with the rules.

The user is then invited to follow what is asked by the operator, knowing that assistance is sent as soon as the essential information is received, leaving any further questions necessary for the continuation of the interview after the teams have been sent. (HANDLE).