Pisa base: 50 written on city walls against bases and police – Tuscany

Report of the municipal councilor Bedini on his profile Fb

(ANSA) – PISA, 03 JUN – Dozens of writings on the walls against the police and military bases are confronted last night on the walls of the center of Pisa after just yesterday there was a demonstration against the project for a Carabinieri barracks in Coltano. The municipal councilor for the environment, Filippo Bedini, denounces this with a post on his Fb page to which he attaches numerous photographs of the soiled walls. Some writings are signed with anarchist symbols. ‘Enough military bases’, ‘+ dead cops, – bases’, ‘Shooting those who promote nuclear power is the minimum’, ‘Torturing cops’, are some of the writings left with black paint.

“A new devastating raid of vandal writings on the night between 2 and 3 June – writes Bedini – with more than 50 writings on the walls of Pisa, some against military bases and others praising violence against the forces of order and the military: a delirium of violence, a triumph of stupidity, yet another scar on the heart of the city The streets concerned are via Dalmazia, via Martiri, via Paoli, via San Simone, via and piazza San Francesco, vicolo del Ruschi, piazza La Pera and many and part of these walls had already been cleaned several times in recent months by the Municipality and University, a major sign that the choice of the latter delinque del altrenti aimed ‘scientifically’ precisely at removing the action against the degradation of writings and affisives forward forward by the municipal administration and the university “.

The Municipality has asked the municipal police to check whether anyone has been filmed with video surveillance cameras, so that they can trace the perpetrators of the action. (HANDLE).