Ukraine: refugees in Naples, we want peace to go home – Campania

Ulliana, from my sister with children, my husband is fighting

(ANSA) – NAPLES, 11 MAR – “We traveled for two days by bus from Eastern Ukraine. We had been waiting for several days but in the end we decided to leave home. We were afraid for the children because the city was bombed again and so we decided to run away. ” So Ulliana, a refugee from Ukraine, tells about her traumatic last days of her upon her arrival in Naples, welcomed by her sister who lives here and who has now accompanied her to the Mostra d’Oltremare for permission health and control on the covid with the swab.

“My sister – she explains – has been living in Naples for some time, we have spoken often in these days and she proposed to me to come here. I decided to accept only for the children and we ran away from home. I left my parents in Ukraine and my husband, it was very hard to leave without them. My husband stayed there fighting, he’s a bricklayer but now he’s enlisted and he’s protecting the city from the Russians. We don’t know what to expect from the future, we are waiting for peace, but meanwhile we know that the war continues, this morning my husband told me that there were aerial bombings. Now we are here but we can’t wait to go back to our homeland, as soon as we finish the war we go back to our city “.

In line for the health permit there is also Angelica who comes from Djetoner, a town near Kiev. “My mother – she says – has been working in Naples for 12 years and so I have now decided to join her because now the situation is very dangerous, the whole nation is attacked by Russia and my mother told me to come to Naples to be safe. the children and grandchildren. We came with two of our cars, we traveled for long distances and checks for six days and now we have arrived. Now we know we are safe here but we are waiting for the end of the war to go home “. (HANDLE).